Tree Care: An Introductory Guide
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Tree Care: An Introductory Guide

Palm trees are one of the most decorative and unique trees that you'll find in the warmer, more tropical climates. When properly cared for, these trees can be beautiful and full of foliage. However, knowing how to care for them isn't always easy. That's probably why you're here. If it is, then you're in the right place. This site is dedicated to the care and maintenance of all sorts of trees, including tropical varieties like palm trees. The information on this page can help you to understand which of the basic care steps you can do yourself and which steps are best done by a local tree service.

Tree Care: An Introductory Guide

  • Four Fall Tips That Prevent Spring Tree Diseases

    15 October 2020

    How you care for your landscape trees in fall can prevent insect and disease issues come spring. The following tips will help ensure your trees survive winter in full health. 1. Trim Out Dead Wood Dead branches shouldn't be left until spring pruning. Not only do these branches pose a danger of breaking during the long winter, but dead wood can also harbor insect pests and disease organisms during a tree's dormant period.

  • 5 Instances When You Need Residential Tree Service

    15 October 2020

    One of the aspects of homes that people often neglect is the vegetation outside. Some homeowners always have a busy schedule and are left with little or no time to prune the trees. In most cases, a significant incident such as a branch falling off a tree reminds people that they need to check and nurture their surroundings. However, you don't have to wait for a disaster to strike to hire a competent person to reshape your trees.

  • 3 Ways To Remove A Stump

    15 October 2020

    When you have a tree cut down in your yard, you are going to be left with a stump. You don't want to leave that stump sitting in your yard because it can attract pests and vermin, and it can look really unattractive. If you have a stump to get rid of, there are several ways that you can do it.  Dig It Out One of the things that you can do is dig the stump out manually.

  • Tree Trimming And Bracing To Keep Your Home Safe When The Next Storm Comes

    15 October 2020

    Trees can be a serious hazard on your property that you need to deal with. Sometimes, tree care services are needed before a storm or high winds cause them to fall and damage your property. Trimming branches and other tree care can do a lot to protect your property from damage. The following trimming and tree care services will help ensure your home is safe during the next storm: Trimming to protect against wear and storm damage—The first step in tree care to protect your property from storm damage is trimming.

  • Keep Your Trees Standing Strong All Winter With The Right Services

    14 October 2020

    Taking care of your trees throughout the year can mean special work before winter comes due to the colder temperatures and seasonal challenges. If you're worried about your trees being in great shape, picking out the right services for your trees ahead of time can make all the difference in making sure that your trees are going to be healthy and remain in good condition even after a cold winter is over.